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Complete Web-Site Optimization For Search Engines (Part 2)
Source code optimization. {title}...{/title} This tag is to be a winner. This is a primary spot to include our keywords for SE spiders, bots or crawlers ("spider" hereafter). {title} tags are the best "dainty dish" for SE spiders. They eat them as cakes, so make title tags to be tasty for them, about 65 characters long. {meta name=description content="..."} Important Meta tag. Very often the description you put will be shown at the SE searching results. To my personal opinion they have more important marketing role of attracting visitors than actual optimization. The SEs' trust in "description" tag as well as our next "keywords" tag has been greatly discriminated due to fraud and unfair competition. Make it no more than 250 characters long, including, of course, your targeted keywords as well. {meta name=keywords content="..."} Another advisable to use Meta tag should be included with all your targeted and untargeted, but related to the topic, key phases separated by commas. Note that highly popular and stand alone keywords like "web-site", "internet", "business" etc. will give you nothing more than increase the size of your web-page. I won't be mistaken, if I say that about several millions of web-pages have them. Don't overuse your keywords as well, spiders don't like to be forced to eat what they don't want to. {meta name=author content="..."}{meta name=copyright content="..."}{meta name=language content="..."} etc. Subsidiary Meta tags that are used more likely to satisfy webmasters' ego, rather than bring any real help in rankings. {h1}...{/h1} {h2}...{/h2} {h3}...{/h3} In contrary to the previous tags the importance of, let's call them, "body" tags have substantially risen for simple reason, they are readable by visitors and it is hardly to cheat SE with them than Meta description or keywords tags where any webmaster may put anything s/he wants. Given that these tags determine the headers of your web-page from the SE spiders' viewpoint, try to include your targeted keywords in them. {img src=: alt="..."} "Alt" is just a comment for every image you insert into the page. Use this knowledge at your advantage. Include your key phrases where possible and safe. By "safe" I mean common sense, don't input comment like "ebook package" into the image of the button that leads to your partner, say, "Pizza ordering" web-site. On the contrary, if your web-site has graphical menu and buttons, it is very wise to include "alt" comments according to directions they lead to, i.e. "Home", "Services", "About Us", "Contacts" etc. If for any reason visitors have their browser with images turned off, they won't see any menu if you haven't inserted "alt" comments. Content Your informational coverage should be keyword/phrase rich, the same way as headers. In general the more relevant key phrases your textual information will contain, the better your chances of being "remarked" by SE spider are. HTML text format tags like bolding {b}, italic type {i} and underlining {u} may also have some weight in SEs placement. Key word density and frequency are another indexes vastly used by SE to rank web-pages. Don't overuse them though. Link popularity (page rank) Another extremely important parameter for your listing position nowadays. In general the more links on third party web-sites point to your site the better. Although try to avoid "link farms" or other "clubs' the only aim of which is to artificially increase your link popularity. These tactics may simply result in penalization or banning of your web-site. Link popularity without any doubt helps to increase the relevance of searched terms more often than it doesn't, but makes SEO even more far-reaching target, because establishing quality "incoming" links pointing to your site is beyond your direct power. To be short, your task is to find web-sites that have highest SE listing positions and/or page rank (determined via Google Toolbar) and negotiate a link to your site in return for some service, product or solicit simple exchange of links. As you see these "manual" work is the most time-consuming, but it repays if you are focused to get as much relevant links as possible. You may apply viral strategies by offering some free/paid service that implies putting a link back to your site. Google has developed its own link popularity evaluation tool called Page Rank. It is calculated basing on consistently changing number rules: current rank of the site the link to your page is pointing from, its relevance to your web-site topic, presence of targeted words etc. Fake tactics They are what I call them and used by webmasters similar to ways some "marketers" use spam to promote their businesses. Unfortunately, usual internet users don't have ability to "ban" spammers the same way SEs penalize those "smart" webmasters. I don't recommend you to use any of these tactics, even on someone's "advice". They include excessive use of related and totally unrelated keywords, comment tags, hidden layers, text on the background of the same color, artificial link farms, numerous entry pages etc. This game simply won't be worth candles if your web-site is banned for good. robots.txt file Very important file every web-site should have. It allows you to literally rule or direct SE spider to the "proper" places, explaining what and where should be scanned, not just blind waiting of your lucky day. With its help you can also protect your confidential web-pages and or directories from scanning and showing at the SE searching results, very important feature many web-masters solve with "tons" of Java or even Perl coding instead of one line string in the robots.txt file that will forbid to scan "download", so-called "thank you" pages or anything you want! General rules of creating robots.txt file you can find here http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/robots.html Design & Layout issues Next point is to have a textual info. The simple declaration of content rich web-site is not enough, SEs need text to scan. Clear to follow links. If you have Flash or Java applet navigation menu, make sure to duplicate somewhere and include HTML links as well. Most SE spiders cannot distinguish dynamically created web-pages with the help of ASP, Perl, PHP or other languages. It is also clear that all web-pages, access to which was forbidden (no matter how) by administrator, would also be left unnoticed. The same relates to HTML frame sites. What frames actually do is complicate the way web-site is being scanned, no more, no less. When I see web-site made of frames, it is like webmaster telling me: "I want lower SE position." Because of the excessive work spiders have to do in order to scan as many pages as possible, their scanning "accuracy", if we can say so, have dropped, so they will hardly scan each and every of your pages from the very top to the bottom, it is more likely to be selective scanning, so, to ease this process you should try to arrange the most valuable info, including header tags and text at the very top of web-pages. Having "site map" page with all link connections of your site not only does it help your potential visitors, but SEs as well. All link names, inside your informational content, are to contain your related keywords or phrases, not just "click here" or "download here". Avoid a lot of javascripts, cascade style sheet tags or a lot of image tags at the top of the page that could occupy more than a page of HTML source code with almost no textual info. If you have java or .css coding save them as separate files and upload on request, leaving one string of code in your HTML document only. This tactic is also very smart considering general web-page optimization and space saving purposes. Allow the Internet market to know your business better. About The Author Pavel Lenshin is a devoted Internet entrepreneur, founder of ASBONE.com, where you can find everything to make your business prosper.
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SEO #5: Analyzing the Top Ranked Website on Google Yesterday you should have read the forth course out of 6 courses that will help you get a TOP rank in the search engines and get EXPLOSIVE LASER TARGETED TRAFFIC for Free. Today we move on to course #5 and study analyzing the Top Ranked Website on Google. Please read today's course very carefully and take some time to test what I'm about to tell you on your own webpage. Alright let's start! KEI Concerns and CID Alternative Like many folks, I have been using KEI for some time now to determine what keywords I should target with my web site. And this has led me to becoming concerned with the results KEI provides and the keywords it suggests. I need to say here that my concern is very subjective as many folks are happily using KEI and don't seem to have a problem with it. Google Website and Web Page Indexing for Dummies You may have heard how important it is to have your website optimized for search engines, especially Google, which is currently the most popular worldwide. The reason for this is so your website will be ranked high in the search engines and people will see your site first, click on it, and increase your traffic and ultimately your sales. You might think this all sounds like a wonderful idea and want to get your web site optimized for Google, but you may have no idea how to go about it. Don't worry, getting your web page ready for the Google search engine is not as difficult as you might have thought. Google has a system called PageRank? that ranks the different web pages according to different standards. When you learn the standards you will know how to best optimize your page to get a high ranking in Google. SEO Expert Guide - Search Engines Explained (part 1/10) Before we explore the world of search engine optimization, it is vital that you know a little about how search engines work and their relative market shares. It will help you to prioritize your activities later! Lets Make Your Website #1 Their is simple way of making your website rank top and search optimized. Do Search Engines Like Your Web Site? Between 75% and 98.8% of visitors to Web sites come from searches made at search engines. If you're going to get high levels of traffic - and hence the levels of ROI you're looking for - it's very important that the search engines can access all the information on your Web site. Three Search Engine Ranking Gold Tips Getting a high ranking in the search engines is something with many variables. Internet Directory Submission Tips Internet Directories and their Importance 10 Steps To Higher Search Engine Positioning There is perhaps no more level playing field in business than the Internet. It is this fact that has created millionaires from paupers. The amount of money that can be made depends of course on your industry and your products and/or services but to be sure, if it can be sold at all, it can be sold online. Search Engine Monopoly Ever wondered how one search engine is dominating the entire web. In any business, you have so much stiff competition. Is there any business that you can start that has no competition ? Whether you decide to open a restaurant or a real estate company - you are going to have a lot of competition. And picture the competition that you will have - you will have 100's or probably 1000 other people doing the same business. But in search engine competition, you can probably count in your fingers as to how many search engines there are. But still people are hesitant to go into this field. Submitting Your Site To The Open Web Directory: Some Dos And Don?ts One of the most important steps in any site's publicity campaign is the submission to the Open Web Directory (http://www.dmoz.org) as this directory provides search results for many of the most important search engines and online portals. This directory is not a robot driven spider, but a human edited directory and you must observe a few important points if your submission is to be successful. Attack Smaller Searches To Get The Big Ones! Searching online can not only be fun, but you sometimes need to be downright inventive. Link Horse Trading For The PR Challenged After 105 days Google finally updated PR. And it's about time. There for awhile you couldn't swing a dead cat and not hit an anxious post on a seo forum wondering where the update was. Meta Tag Tactics - Give Your Website Traffic a Boost with the Meta Tag Basics Getting your site noticed by the search engines and rewarded with top rankings is most webmasters main goal, however there are a lot of different factors that play into what the search engines are looking for, including Meta tags. So, if you don't know anything about meta tags but are interested in learning about them so you can use them to possibly increase your rankings, then read the following basic tips regarding meta tags. The more educated you are about what search engines are looking for, the better you will be able to respond and rise in the rankings. World of Website Promotion Website promotion is a big and ongoing process. Every person who has website should have little knowledge about various elements involved in website promotion even if he had hired a SEO. In this series of articles I had tried to give an overview of all the entities of search engine promotion. Search Engine Optimization: Get the Low-down Been hearing the words Search Engine Optimization lately? I know I have. But what is it, you wonder? Well, that's what I'm here to talk to you about. Free Search Engine Advertising: 10 Secret Ways To Indirectly Race To The Top Of Search Engines Do you have a website that has little or no rankings in the major Search Engines: Yahoo. Msn, Aol, Netscape, Alltheweb and Google? Shopping Carts and SEO Shopping and the Web. They go together like Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Well, maybe not quite, but Internet shopping is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Search Engine Metrics: Organic Search vs. Paid Placement Let me preface this report by citing advertisers in 2004 have spent 4 Billion dollars on search engine marketing according to the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO). Your Website Title Could Be Costing You Money Nothing could be simpler than the title you give to your web pages right? Unfortunately, the vast majority of the websites I visit these days have absolutely terrible titles that hurt their online business. The title of your website is a very important part of getting good rankings on most of the major search engines. A good title also goes a long way towards getting your prospects to click on your listings. ![]() |
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