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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Information Tony |
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Keep Your Content Fresh with this Quick and Easy Tip
Some of the Search engines want only original content. So if the Search Engine Get's to your web Page on your Site and realize they have already seen this Page they won't Index it again, This can be a real hazard if you submit Articles for free Re-Distribution. It is not only possible but highly probable that a site with a higher Page Rank then yours will get your page Indexed First. Method 1 Delay before You Publish A very simple way to get around this limitation is to post your article on your web page and wait until it is indexed by the Big 3 (Yahoo, Google and MSN). At that point you might want to wait a month or 2 extra and then submit your Article to the Article Directories. Of Course for those of us who can't are won't wait we have 2 other Methods Method 2 Make Small Changes A Second Method is to make some small changes to your Articles before you submit them to the Article Directories. See my My Previous Article 'The 2 Headed Dragon: Let Others Publish Your Material and Keep Your Site Unique' (http://ewguru.com/hbiz/articles/2-head-dragon.html) Where I talked about how by having 2 or 3 Versions of your Article you can keep your site Fresh and the Search Engines Interested and at the Same Time Get some back links by putting your Articles in the Public Domain for Free Distribution. Method 3 Add Some Dynamic Content Another way to enhance this Method is with Dynamic Feeds. By Placing 3 or 4 random Dynamic Feeds on your Articles Page you can also make your site unique. Most Places that have articles for you to distribute also have Dynamic Feeds. A List of places with Dynamic feeds (http://ewguru.com/feeds). This Site has a free tool to convert your feed to a Java Script http://jade.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/feed/index.php?s=build Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001. Subscribe to Mike's Newsletter here http://www.ewguru.com/hbiz/list-sign-up.html Get some useful Free Downloads Here: http://trafficninja.com Some more Articles from Mike: http://weeklytipsandtricks.blogspot.com/ Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler: all rights reserved. [You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. getarticles at ewguru.com]
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Finding Profitable Keyword Phrases So you have a site concept developed that you are ready to start writing great content for. Googles Good-Writing Filter I was recently struck by the fact that the top-ranking web pages on Google are consistently much better written than the vast majority of what one reads on the web. Yet traditional SEO wisdom has little to say about good writing. Does Google, the world's wealthiest media company, really rank web pages based primarily on arcane technical criteria such as keyword density, link text, or even PageRank? The Great Search Engine War, Where Content is King When search engines first appeared, they were simple affairs consisting of a relatively basic database containing small amounts of information about websites. The search engine database allowed web-surfers to search for specific words or phrases. The search engine would then provide a list of hyperlinks to websites containing those words or phrases in several Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS). The basic concepts of a search engine are still the same, but much has changed since those innocent days. 8 ways to build a really bad web site for Search Engines Some web sites receive hundreds or thousands of unique visitors a day, whilst others only get a handful or none. The reason is often because the web designers or Webmaster has built the site in one 'really bad way' or other. This can end up hindering the potential success of the web site. If you want to make sure your site is not a 'traffic flop' then here are some simple rules to follow. How to Get the Ranking You Always Wanted! Is your web site well ranked (In the top ten search results) in the results? If not, you need to read this and get the ranking you always dreamed of getting with your web site! I will show you how to get your web site a top ten ranking in the search engines with these few easy-to-do steps. Find Best Keywords For Your Site Keyword optimisation is probably the most important thing that you want to concentrate on with regards to search engine optimisation (SEO). Unfortunately, not many people know this, or do enough to optimise their sites' keywords. Before I knew the importance of keyword optimisation, I used to pluck any keywords that seemed relevant to my site, insert them into my title tag and meta tags, then submitted my site to the search engines. And then wondered why I didn't really get much traffic. An Introduction to Google Sitemaps ... and why I 'm dying to get finally in the Google SERP Secrets on Website Promotion: How You Can Get a #1 Ranking for Your Website Name Within 30 Days Launching a new website with enough acceleration to rise above this ever increasing daily din needs some force. It is common to see a website with a different name and various product or service offerings with equally unrelated names. Promoting these diverse brands will naturally need more energy than promoting just one brand. Yahoo Dopey, MSN Goofy, Google is Mickey Mouse Lost in a Sandbox Seventy-two days ago Googlebot first showed up and crawled over 250 pages of a brand new domain in an experiment that has had an odd cartoonish character to it, where unexplained things happen with sometimes dark foreboding, a kind of Fantasia online. Search Engines Are Doomed to Fail A very provocative title, isn't it? Based on the latest news it is not far from the truth. Over the years the search engines were the target number one on the hunt for visitors and traffic to millions of web sites. In an attempt to keep the search results accurate and still delivering what the user is actually looking for, search engines cracked down on spammers and other sneaky web masters who wanted to beat the system with some very innovative tricks. SEO Help: Dont Try to Fool the Search Engines Writing articles is all the rage these days on the web. Or should I say getting other people to write articles for you, joining membership sites that provide "private label" rights -- that is all the rage. Search Engines from a Webmaster Perspective By now, virtually every webmaster has heard or read that the major search engines are responsible for 80% or more of the traffic received by most web sites and that most searchers never look beyond the first 20 - 50 search results. Not surprisingly, an entire industry devoted to search engine ranking and search engine optimization (SEO) has sprung up to capitalize on these well known facts. Design A Spider Friendly Site To be successful in the search engines it's important to design your web site with the spiders in mind. Using the latest in web page design is not generally the best way to go. Spiders don't view web pages like humans do, they must read the HTML in the page to see what it's about. Below you will find tips on how to best design your web site with search engines in mind. What is The Google Sandbox Effect? In the age of fair competition you may find it hard to believe that a search engine may hinder the appearance of a new website. This is what is currently believed to be happening on more web servers today. Some programmers have viewed Google as uncomfortable to rank newer websites until they have proven their viability to exist for more than a period of "x" months. Thus the term "Sandbox Effect" applies to the idea that all new websites have their ratings placed in a holding tank until such time is deemed appropriate before a ranking can commence. Possibly The Biggest Misconception About Ranking Well In The Search Engines Onpage search engine optimization are things that you can change ON your webpage. Search Engine Metrics: Organic Search vs. Paid Placement Let me preface this report by citing advertisers in 2004 have spent 4 Billion dollars on search engine marketing according to the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO). SEO Expert Guide - Keyword Analysis (part 3/10) If you imagine that building an optimized site is like cooking a meal, then keywords are the essential ingredients. Would you attempt to cook a complex new dish without first referring to a recipe? Would you start before you had all the ingredients available and properly prepared? How to Google; or How to be Easily Distracted I set out with the intention of writing a self improvement type article with an original temporary working title of 'How To Overcome Fear'. Free Search Engine Advertising: 10 Secret Ways To Indirectly Race To The Top Of Search Engines Do you have a website that has little or no rankings in the major Search Engines: Yahoo. Msn, Aol, Netscape, Alltheweb and Google? PageRank and How It Gets Assigned We know that each and every website page is assigned a Google Page rank, based upon a mathematical algorithm. Pages rank on a scale of 0 (zero) the lowest, and 10 (ten) the highest. Linking between websites both internally and externally pass a value or Page Rank. ![]() |
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