Hosting Basics.
Each hosting client receives access to a home directory where they can upload and store the files they want made public over the Internet. Ownership of this home directory is managed via their account username and password. The home directory contains other directories of which the "HTTPDOCS" directory is the most important. The HTTPDOCS directory is where you place files all HTML files, images, sounds, and files you want people to be able to access through the internet. NOTE: Upload all web files to the httpdocs directory
Web Site Statistics
Viewing your web site statistics. In your browser type in your domain name followed by: “/astats” eg:
Managing your Account Via PLESK Control Panel
To access your accounts control panel, type the following URL into your web browser using your actual web site address. Be sure to use “https:// and not http:// PLESK Control Panel Help
CGI / Pearl Scripts
upload your executible scripts into your cgi-bin using the ASCII mode of your ftp software. Remember: to change the Access Permissions (chmod) of your script to 755 or 777 depending on what your script calls for. HotScripts has many Freeware Scripts. NOTE: if you can not get a script to work propery please contact the company / persons who wrote the script.
CGI Paths
Pearl: #!/usr/bin/perl Sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail Domain Path: /home/httpd/vhosts/ Cgi-bin Path: /home/httpd/vhosts/